Note, that our site is a fully automatic search engine for porn videos.
All of the content on these websites are not owned by us and are gathered by our automated spiders and added to our system.
The thumbnails are generated automatically and there is no editorial process involved.
All the videos are hosted by websites that are not under our control
All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual portrayal of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise located
within our site were over the age of eighteen years at the time the visual image was created.
All video products offered on this site have been licensed from their respective sponsor sites or producers under a web affiliate agreement ("Affiliate Agreement").
This is a full list of partner programs - owners of content:
We believe that every secondary or primary producer linked from our site is in compliance with 2257 on their respective website
We take no responsibility for the content on any website which we link to, please follow each link to the respective site for complete documentation about 2257 statement.
Exemption Statement: All visual depictions displayed on this Website are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2257, 2257A and/or 28 C.F.R. §75, because:
They do not portray conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C §2256 (2)(A) (i) through (iv);
They do not portray conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C. §2257A produced after March 19, 2009;
They do not portray conduct listed in 18 U.S.C. §2256(2)(A)(v) produced after March 19, 2009;
The visual depictions were created prior to July 1, 2002; or,
This Company does not act as a producer with respect to the dissemination of such exempt images as that term is defined in 28 C.F.R. §75.1(c).
Questions or comments regarding this disclosure should be addressed to:

If you still have any doubts about the legality of our thumbnails or you consider some of the thumbnails to be disputable, please mail us and report:
- Url of the page on our website where the thumbnail and/or link to the page with the video appears;
- URL as it appears on our site to the embed code
- Anything else you think may aid in the removal process and we'll get back to you ASAP with 2257-information.

All claims of copyright infringement on or regarding this Website should be emailed to:
Copyright 2018-2025